Razer S5

Manufactured to the same exacting standards as the Razer V5 – installed in 25% less floor space.

See it in action
Raser S5 Linear Saw for timber and truss frame cutting

Razer S5

Whydo you need it?

  • 25% less expensive than the Razer V5
  • A high power density servo motor controls the cutting blade
  • Left to right or right to left – material flow can be customized to suit your processes and facility
  • Offers one-man operation, with a small footprint, high production rate and room for expansion
  • Comes with ‘Simple‘ optimizing software that is easy to use
  • Safe, fast, accurate, reliable and works with all Nail Plate Suppliers
Raser S5 linear truss saw

Is it time to automate your cutting process?

The Razer S5 supports any combination of manual or automated material handling systems, dust extraction and extended waste conveyors.

Like the Razer V5, the S5 saw can be fully customized to meet your exact budget, layout and operational needs.



The finished product has not only met, but exceeded our expectations. With the minimal footprint of the PackFeeder, the accuracy, speed and reliability of the Razer V5, the speed and efficiency of the Material Conveyor system, and the overall support by this team we are extremely pleased with the outcome.

~Josh Wright V.P. of Manufacturing The Truss Company, USA

We’ve grown over 50% in the last two years, the saw has been a big part to play in that from a cutting point of view. Knowing that we could do that and having extra capacity up our sleeve is of real benefit

~The Truss Joint

The printing options on the members has endless opportunities. Being able to print on the edge as well as the flat is a very impressive feature..

See how they did it

DETAILSCompare the Razer V5 & Razer S5

Saw model Razer Saw V5 Razer Saw S5
Height 9’ 5” (10’5” w/ top cover open)
Depth – Saw Chamber 4’7”
Depth – with Dust Funnel & Conveyor Guard 6’4”
Width – Saw Chamber 5’2”
Power Requirements 3ph, 415/480 VAC +/- 10%, 50 Amp , 50/60 Hz
Air Supply 340 l/min at 690 kPa (12 cfm at 100 psi) 400 l/min at 690 kPa (14 cfm at 100 psi)
Saw Blade Drive Hydraulic motor driven from dedicated power pack 4 kW Servo motor
Saw Blade Details 1’ 1 ¾”/ 350mm diameter
Throughput – Trusses 250 – 350 Typical truss components per hour*
Throughput – Frames 400 – 550 Typical frame components per hour*
Cut Specifications Razer Saw V5 Razer Saw S5
Cutting Width – Max. 1’ 1 ¾”
Cutting Depth – Max. 3 ¾” (Single or Double Stack)
Cutting length – Max. Unlimited
Lumber length – Min. 2’ 7”
Member length – Min. <¹⁄₁₆”
Main Cut Angle 0 to 180°
Bevel Cut Angle -67° to +67° (35mm Lumber)
-61° to +61° (45mm Lumber)
Cut Types Straight, Single/Compound Bevel, Taper, Birdsmouth (zero overcut), Trenching (3 sides), Rip, Bevel Rip, Notch, Drill. Straight, Single/Compound Bevel, Birdsmouth (under/overcut), Rip, Bevel Rip
Number of Cuts per Member Unlimited
Cut Accuracy +-¹⁄₁₆” Typical*

*Actual results are site dependent with consideration to timber condition and member geometrics.

FAQsabout the V5 Razer

  • What’s  the main difference between the Razer S5 and V5?

    The Razer V5 includes all the bells and whistles. The S5 suits a plant that is primarily interested in cutting common roof truss components and basic non-raking wall frames.

  • What cuts can be achieved with the Razer S5 saw?

    Straight, Single/Compound Bevel, Birdsmouth (under/overcut), Rip, Bevel Rip

  • What Production throughout can it support?

    450 -550 typical frame components per hour

  • How accurate does the Razer S5 saw cut?

    Very! You can expect 73% of cuts within 0.5mm, 93% within 1mm, 99% within 2mm, and 99.6% within 3mm!

  • How can we optimize with the Razer S5?

    The Razer software known as ‘Simple’, has highly flexible optimization algorithms that will process thousands of ways to cut a job and come up with the best solution instantly. The best combination for your cutting requirements and specifications, be it saving waste or cost.

Got another Question? Send us a message

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